I've decided that I'm not a good blogger ... I'm busy and forgetful. I forget to blog, but i do read everyone's posts. Often I come up with lots to say but feel I need to censor myself so I don't post at all. I disappear for days on end and then reappear at the most random moments. I write about completely uninteresting things and don't have a general "idea" of what I always post about. But I guess that's the point of a blog? I'm supposed to be able to come and go as I please, right? And I should be able to write what I'd like, I mean I'm not forcing anyone to read it, right? But I want people to read, and to comment, and to enjoy my blog. Maybe I need to switch things up ... become more focused? ... I'm thinking only time will tell.
Anyway ...
I went shopping w/ my mom, sister, and baby the other weekend. We got down the road and Torry text me to say I forgot my pump ... again. I am sooooooo bad about reconnecting after I shower! I try and put it somewhere that I won't forget it but never the less I often do. So I spent the day with the good old bag of needles I keep in my purse. Yuck. I'm really not a fan of needles, I think I'll keep my pump.
And speaking of the pump ...
My warranty has been up since August. I haven't gotten a new pump and I'm a little bit worried that something will happen to this one. Sooooo, it's time to get a new one. But which pump? Which company? Animas? Minimed? (which I have now) Omnipod? Any ideas or opinions are GREATLY appreciated!
And of course there's no way I can end without a baby update. He's getting so big. He'll be four months old on april 8th and he's thriving. So happy and content, though he's already started a little bit of teething. Oh and I'm paranoid that he's diabetic. But I think that I've done a pretty good job of keeping my paranoia tame. I've only checked his tiny little heel twice in the last almost 4 months. He smiles all of the time and has the cutest little laugh!!!
This is one of his 3 month pictures that I took <3